Innovation, collaboration and creativity in researching business communication and professional practice
A MAA-hosted Pre-Conference Workshop in conjunction with the Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) Conference 2019

Speaker: Professor Gina Poncini
Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates
Speaker’s biodata:
Gina Poncini, Ph.D., is Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, in the College of Arts and Science at Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates, where she teaches Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering Design, and Corporate Leadership. Prior to this, she was Associate Professor of Business Communications in the College of Business at Zayed University (UAE), and tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, University of Milan, Italy. She also taught Organizational Communication in Its Social Context at New York University in Florence, Italy, and communication courses and seminars at the University of Lugano, Switzerland. Her research interests focus on innovation and meetings; community engagement, sports events and sports tourism; ethnographic methods; multidisciplinary approaches; and discourse and communication. She served 2 four-year elected terms as Association for Business Communication (ABC) Vice President Europe and member of the Board of Directors.
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