The Peer Review Process in International Journal Publication
Speaker: Prof. Srikant Sarangi

Speaker’s biodata:
Srikant Sarangi is Professorin Humanities and Medicine and Director of the Danish Institute of Humanities and Medicine/Health (DIHM) at Aalborg University, Denmark. Between 1993 and 2013, he was Professor in Language and Communication and Director of the Health Communication Research Centre at Cardiff University. From February 2014, he continues as Honorary Professor at Cardiff University. Currently he is also Visiting Research Professor, Centre for the Humanities and Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (SAR China); and Visiting Professor under the Academic Icon scheme at University of Malay (Malaysia).
Between 2009 and 2014, he wasProfessor in Language and Communication at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim (Norway); and Honorary Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark.
In 2012, he was awarded the title of ‘Academician’ by the Academy of Social Sciences, UK.
His research interests include: institutional and professional discourse (e.g., health, social welfare, bureaucracy, education etc.); quality of life and risk communication in genetic counselling, HIV/AIDS, telemedicine, general practice and palliative care; intercultural pragmatics; language and identity in public life; ethnicity, race and discrimination in multicultural societies. He has held several project grants (Funding bodies include The Wellcome Trust, The Leverhulme Trust, ESRC) to study various aspects of health communication, e.g., genetic counselling, HIV/AIDS and telemedicine. The other areas of healthcare research include communication in primary care, palliative care, with particular reference to assessment of consulting and communication skills.
He is author and editor of twelve books, guest-editor of five journal special issues and has published nearly two hundred book chapters and journal articles in leading journals.In addition, he has presented more than 1000 papers (including plenaries,invited keynotes, workshops and colloquia) at international conferences and other forums – ranging from mainstream applied linguistics and sociolinguistics to medical and professional ones.
He is the editor of Text & Talk as well as the founding editor of Communication & Medicine and founding co-editor of Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice and three book series[es].
Over the last 15 years his visiting professorships and research attachments include a number of countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA.
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